el paso

diciembre 13, 2019

Home Insurance for Generation X

Caught between baby boomers and millennials, Generation X can often be forgotten. But members of Generation X are now at the ages where they’re building retirement funds and settling into their careers and homes. They also tend to have more earners in the household than the other generations. Unfortunately, that money often comes with a […]
noviembre 15, 2019

Will BOP Cover a Data Breach?

A BOP, or Business Owner Policy, is a type of business insurance plan. It helps to lump together a variety of individual types of coverage together. It’s also very flexible for many policyholders. Though the base policy does not usually automatically include all forms of coverage you need, you can add to it. One of […]
noviembre 4, 2019

What Type of Car Insurance Covers Damages Caused to Other Drivers?

Understanding auto insurance is critical. Whether you are buying your first car or renewing your policy, you need this information. What happens if you cause an accident and someone else’s car has damage? In this case, your liability insurance pays for the losses. It is important to understand how this type of coverage works. That […]
octubre 30, 2019

Paying Your Home Insurance Premium Monthly vs. Annually

The cost of paying your homeowners insurance premium doesn’t cover only your policy; it also covers the insurance company’s expenses associated with processing payments. In order to reduce these costs, some insurers allow you to make biannual, quarterly or annual payments, as opposed to monthly payments. Though it may only cost a few extra dollars […]
septiembre 18, 2019

Partnered but not Married? How does Renters’ Insurance Coverage Work?

If you’ve established a life with your long-term partner, you may have decided that you are comfortable as you are, and that there’s no need to get married. This is perfectly reasonable for thousands of couples who are able to build lives that provide both autonomy and legal security. However, it’s that contrast between autonomy […]
agosto 13, 2019

Understanding Cash Value Motorcycle Insurance

If your motorcycle gets damaged, then you can expect to have to make repairs. It’s likely going to cost you money to do so, and you might want your motorcycle insurance to help you pay for it. If the bike is a total loss, then you can expect the problem to be a bit more […]
julio 16, 2019

Property Damage Liability Insurance in Business Coverage

There’s a chance that you might cause harm to someone else while trying to provide your business services. Sometimes, the problem you cause involves property damage. Because the damage might be your fault, you therefore might have to repay that other party for their losses. The appropriate property damage liability insurance policy will help you […]
julio 5, 2019

The Added Value and Liability of Aging in Place

Getting older often merits a few special considerations for anyone. It doesn’t mean you need to become home-bound or isolated. However, you might need to take a few extra precautions to make your home safer to occupy. On one hand, you might install additional security mechanisms; on the other, you might need to make structural […]
mayo 28, 2019

Medical Payments Protection for Boaters

You want every boating excursion you take to be safe and fun. However, you can never guarantee that problems will not occur. Accidents or other mishaps might occur, and when they do, they might damage your vessel or someone else’s. Worse still, they might hurt you, your passengers or other boaters. What can you do […]
diciembre 22, 2017

How Does Renters Insurance Impact Co-leasing?

Investing in renters insurance is always important for those who live in a shared space they do not own. Co-leasing is a common way to reduce some of the costs of living in an apartment or condo. In this situation, two or more people share the same space. Some property management companies allow this. Others […]

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