junio 28, 2023

Swimming Pool Safety Tips

With the heat of summer quickly approaching, people are starting to open their backyard pools. While these provide a wonderful place to cool off and relax on a hot day, they also come with a level of risk. If you have a pool in your backyard, here are some things to keep in mind. 
boy backflipping into pool

  • A pool should be surrounded by a fence at least four feet tall, with a self-closing and self-latching gate.
  • Adults should never swim alone and children should never be left unsupervised, even if they are strong swimmers.
  • Younger children without swimming abilities should always have a certified flotation device on around the pool, even if they are not in the water.
  • When done using the pool, remove all toys from the water so a child won’t accidentally fall in while trying to retrieve a toy.
  • Keep rescue equipment by the pool, including a shepherd’s hook, a safety ring and rope.
  • Keep a phone by the pool.
  • Require all adults and babysitters to be certified in CPR.
  • If a child is missing, always look in the pool area first.
  • Have a «no diving» rule to prevent injuries.
  • If throwing a party, hire a lifeguard because distractions can prevent you from supervising well. 

While we hope there will never be any tragic incident involving your pool, your homeowner’s insurance may provide you some coverage. Pools can be covered as a detached structure, much like a garage, gazebo or shed. If someone were to get hurt in your pool, the liability portion of your homeowners policy can also provide coverage. If someone gets injured in or around the pool has to go to the emergency room, this can also be covered under liability. 

Now is a good time to review the pool rules with your children, their friends, babysitters and other adults in the home. While the pool can be a lot of fun, it also requires responsibility for safe use. Have a fun, safe summer! 

Ask us about liability coverage. Contact Pan American Insurance for more information on El Paso home insurance. 

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Tags: home insurance

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