Renters Insurance

Proudly serving Texas & New Mexico

Let Us Quote Your Renters Insurance Now!

Renting your house, condo or apartment? You’ll need insurance as much as any homeowner. Let your dedicated Pan American Insurance agent help you get a quote on your perfect policy fit.

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Pan American Insurance believes in providing every client with top-quality benefits at low prices, and with friendly, efficient services attached. No one should have to go on a long, expensive search for sub-par insurance policies. When you’ll come to us, we’ll use our years of expertise to get you affordable, easily manageable plans provided by our network of world-class carriers.

If you’re on the hunt for renters insurance, then you are going to need a customized plan that fully protects you and your property within a leased dwelling. However, you don’t need to be burdened with coverage that truly isn’t right for you.

To get your tailored renters insurance policy today, just get in touch with is. Call us at (915) 562-0009 or request your free, no-obligation quote right now.

Common Renters Insurance Questions 

How Does Renters Insurance Work? 

You want to feel safe and secure within your home. You also want to protect your property, family, personal security and finances both right now and well into the future. However, try as you might, you can’t avoid the fact that sometimes unexpected problems—fires, theft of property, lawsuits etc.—might arise and lead to a lot of costly losses.

Renters insurance will offer you financial compensation at the time these accidents occur. As a result, you won’t have to worry about significant blows to your wallet just because you are trying to recover from an accident that you could not have anticipated.

Why Do I Need Renters Insurance? 

Even though you don’t own the home you live in, you still own the possessions inside and continue to face a variety of personal liabilities by occupying the space. Renters insurance will make sure that even though accidents might occur at any time, you won’t face an undue financial hardship as you work to recover. It’s there to be a benefit to you at a time when you desperately need assistance.

Plus, renters insurance shifts a huge amount of liability away from the landlord, who wants the reassurance of knowing that they have only a minimal chance of ever being on the hook for a problem that is your responsibility to pay for. As a result, most landlords require renters insurance, and you might have to enroll in a policy in order to qualify for your lease.

What Does Renters Insurance Cover? 

The average renters insurance policy will include several types of coverage, namely:

  • Liability Insurance: Liability coverage applies to cases where the policyholder (the renter) causes harm to a third party. If you are at-fault for someone else’s bodily injuries or property damage, liability insurance can help cover that party’s losses. Coverage can also pay for legal assistance if you get sued because of the accident.
  • Contents Insurance: Renters policies typically cover such personally owned items as furniture, clothing or electronics damaged by a variety of hazards, including fire & smoke, wind, hail & lightning, explosions, theft & vandalism, or water damage from burst pipes. So long as the policy covers the incident that damaged the items, you can insure almost any possession.
  • Living Expenses Coverage: Sometimes, damaging incidents might make the home temporarily unlivable. While the home undergoes repairs, this coverage can pay for expenses like your hotel or dining bills.

However, you can further augment your policy with other benefits like:

  • Umbrella liability coverage
  • Scheduled items riders
  • Pet bite liability insurance
  • Replacement cost value contents insurance
  • Tenants flood insurance

Speak to one of our agents to learn more about exactly how to tailor your policy to your advantage.

What Does Renters Insurance Cost?

Renters insurance policies are very affordable. Plus, we guarantee to both optimize the value for the benefits of your choice and to maximize your qualifications for discounts and other savings. Our carrier network offers competitively priced policies that never skimp on benefits. And with our expert agents ready to guide you through the process the policy selection process, you can rest assured that you will only pay for the right combination of benefits for you—never too much, never too little.

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