Home » What Should I Do After a Car Accident?
September 21, 2017

What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

Car accidentGetting in a car accident, even a fender bender, can be a big ordeal. The moment you hear and feel the impact, a dozen different thoughts flow through your mind. How much damage did they cause? Am I hurt? Are they hurt? Do they have car insurance? The good thing is if you are insured with adequate coverage and a reputable company, you won’t have as much to worry about. Traffic in San Antonio can be dense, so it is important to know what to do if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation. We have a few tips for you on the steps to take after an accident.

Move Out of Traffic

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you are safe. If the accident pushed your car into oncoming traffic or if your car is still in the way of the flow of traffic, the first thing you will want to do is move out of the way. If you don’t have any serious injuries and your car can still move, it is best to drive to the nearest curb or shoulder. Be sure that there is enough space for you to exit your vehicle and trade car insurance information.

Get Out of the Vehicle

If you were able to move your car, that probably means your injuries are minimal, which is great. You will want to stop your vehicle and get out to a safe spot to talk to the other driver. If the other driver or passengers are hurt, you will want to dial 911 and call for help right away. Although many people try to avoid it, calling the police to the scene is a wise decision.

Document the Accident

While you are waiting for the police to arrive and are not tending to anyone’s injuries, it is important to take down information for car insurance purposes. The first thing you should do is take plenty of photos. Don’t just take pictures of the car damage. Be sure to snap a photo of the license plate numbers and the surrounding area. Photos of heavy traffic, a hidden stop sign, or any other issues that could have added to the accident will be helpful. The next thing you will want to do is write down the other person’s insurance information. Write down the make and model of their car and take down contact information. If eyewitnesses are standing around this would be a great time to ask them for their contact info as well.

File Your Car Insurance Claim

As soon as you get home or after you have sought medical care, you should call your insurance company. You can also call at the scene of the accident if you need a tow truck to transport your vehicle. If you took the time to document the accident you will have plenty of information to give to the customer service representative.

Be Prepared

If you have ever been in an accident, you know what an ordeal it can be. It is important to prepare yourself in case anything should happen. The best thing you can do is constantly carry up to date records of your car insurance. Also carry your car registration info with you. It is best to make sure your license and registration are up to date with San Antonio standards. If you do not have insurance or are not happy with your current coverage, give us a call. One of our agents will be happy to answer your questions and give you the info you need.

Categories: Blog

Tags: car accidents in San Antonio, car insurance, help after a car accident, San Antonio insurance, what to do after a car accident

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