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general liability insurance

June 2, 2023

What Does Commercial Liability Insurance Cover?

Every business owner knows that there are insurance policies designed to protect a business’s physical property from theft or severe weather damage. But what about injuries or damages suffered by third parties as a direct result of a business’s actions? Commercial liability insurance is designed to cover similar events, plus more. This coverage is primarily […]
February 27, 2023

Having General Liability Insurance Helps Demonstrate Your Responsibility

Having general liability insurance helps demonstrate your company is responsible and dedicated. When it comes to choosing who to do business with, your clients may require it. It is always a good idea to choose a policy that accurately reflects risks. Having too much does not help. However, the right balance is always important. Here […]
August 29, 2019

The Liability Coverage Within BOPs

All small business owners need insurance, and most of them get their essential coverage through a business owners policy, also called a BOP. Within the BOP will likely come liability insurance, sometimes called commercial general liability policy. But, within the liability coverage itself, there are different options that apply to different scenarios where a claim […]
May 19, 2017

How to Assess Risk for Your New, Small Business

Opening the doors to your new business is an exciting time. It takes a great deal of preparation and investment to get to this point, no matter what type of business you have. Every month, more than 543,000 new U.S. businesses open their doors, according to Forbes.com. However, many small businesses shut down in their […]

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