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March 6, 2014

Tips for Building a Happier Workforce

It’s been proven time and time again—a happier workforce is a more productive workforce. There are many things you can do to boost morale and make employees feel valued, some of which are inexpensive or even free. Either way, taking an interest in the well-being of your employees is taking an interest in the future […]
December 2, 2013

Preparing Your Retail Business for Holiday Shopping

Holiday shopping can be a double-edged sword for retailers; the shopping frenzy can result in huge profits, but it takes a lot of extra effort and resources to prepare for the skyrocketing demand for sales. Most shoppers are looking for unbeatable deals on electronics, appliances and media, so if your store sells greeting cards or […]
October 23, 2013

Practice Workplace Safety

Any workplace can become a danger zone, even a docile corporate office. That’s why, in 1970, Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) which requires employers to follow specified safety standards in order to provide a non-hazardous workplace. It’s beneficial for employers to provide safety training during orientation (and periodic refresher courses) to […]

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