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flood insurance

May 4, 2015

Common Home Insurance Myths Debunked

Numerous myths exist regarding home insurance policies. Unfortunately, these misleading myths can deter people from acquiring the coverage they actually need. Homeowners often assume they are adequately covered, only to find out they had incorrect information. By the time they learn the truth, it may be too late. Let’s debunk some common home insurance myths […]
October 16, 2014

Why Do Floods Happen?

We’re all familiar with the water cycle thanks to elementary science class teaching us that water travels from clouds, down to bodies of water and then evaporates back up to the clouds. But what happens when the hydrological system gets backed up or clogged? Those imbalanced conditions often lead to floods, which can cause extreme […]
August 18, 2014

Why You Should Get Flood Insurance

Fact: Everyone lives in a flood zone. In the past five years alone, every state in America has experienced floods and/or flash floods. With just a few inches of floodwater in your home, your day will be ruined. It wreaks havoc on your property that can cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to […]
June 18, 2014

Remember to Buy Both Renters Insurance and Flood Insurance

As floods hit the United States this past spring, they served as a reminder to us all that it is important to invest in flood insurance. If you carry a mortgage on your home and live in a flood zone, you are most likely required to carry flood insurance by your mortgage company. Most homeowners who carry flood insurance […]

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