November 7, 2013

How to Make an Emergency Kit for Your Car

Every car should be stocked with emergency supplies that can be used to get yourself out of various sticky situations. These kits can be store bought, but commercial kits often lack essential or quality items. It’s recommended that you make your own kit or add additional items to a store bought starter kit.

Why should you bother with an emergency kit if you have a roadside assistance service? One in three drivers encounters some sort of breakdown each year. If you’re stuck without a charged phone and/or in a remote location, roadside assistance may not be able to assist you in a timely manner. The contents of your emergency kit can patch your car up enough to get moving again, or at the very worst, sustain your body until help arrives.

Your emergency kit should include:

  • Cell phone with car charger (and a GPS if your phone doesn’t have one)
  • First aid kit with bandages, gauze, aspirin, antiseptic wipes, antibacterial ointment and any medicines you and your family takes regularly
  • Jumper cables (at least 10 feet long) and tow rope
  • Road flares and/or reflective warning triangles to alert oncoming traffic of your location
  • Fire extinguisher rated for Class B (flammable/combustible liquids) and Class C (electrical fires) 
  • Gloves, boots and plastic poncho
  • Rags and a tarp/mat
  • Duct tape and electrical tape
  • Waterproof flashlight with extra batteries
  • Multipurpose tool (with at least one knife)
  • Foam tire sealant
  • Bottled water and nonperishable snacks (protein bars work well)
  • Note: Periodically check that your spare tire has adequate air pressure. You don’t want to be stuck with a flat and not be able to use your spare.

During the snowy winter months, you should add a few more items including:

  • Blankets
  • Kitty litter, sand or salt (for traction)
  • Ice scraper
  • Shovel
  • Portable weather radio

Take the protection of your car one step further. Call Pan American Insurance at (915) 562-0009 for more information on El Paso auto insurance.

Categories: Blog

Tags: auto insurance, el paso, emergency kit, insurance, texas, winter driving

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