commercial insurance

February 4, 2014

What Are the Benefits of Forming an LLC?

A limited liability company, commonly known as an LLC, is a form of business that protects its owners, members and itself from certain legal liabilities. It’s like a compromise between a partnership and a corporation in the sense that it possesses a pass-through tax status like a partnership, yet offers limited-liability protection like a corporation. […]
December 2, 2013

Preparing Your Retail Business for Holiday Shopping

Holiday shopping can be a double-edged sword for retailers; the shopping frenzy can result in huge profits, but it takes a lot of extra effort and resources to prepare for the skyrocketing demand for sales. Most shoppers are looking for unbeatable deals on electronics, appliances and media, so if your store sells greeting cards or […]
October 23, 2013

Practice Workplace Safety

Any workplace can become a danger zone, even a docile corporate office. That’s why, in 1970, Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) which requires employers to follow specified safety standards in order to provide a non-hazardous workplace. It’s beneficial for employers to provide safety training during orientation (and periodic refresher courses) to […]
July 3, 2013

5 Reasons Talking to an Agent is Better Than a Comparing Prices Online

The process of finding insurance coverage for your business is critical to its well-being. While you want to find a policy with the lowest premium possible, you still need to be absolutely certain that your business, its assets and its employees are adequately covered for all eventualities.   Most businesses in the U.S. require three […]

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