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Renters Insurance

April 18, 2022

Safety Tips for First-Time Apartment Renters

Moving out on your own is both exhilarating and challenging. You enjoy the fact that you can go and come as you please, but you also want to make good choices. With the potential for danger at every turn in life, safety should always be your top priority in your new apartment.  Choose a Safe […]
September 7, 2022

Are Bugs Covered By Renters Insurance?

One of the worst things that can happen after moving into an apartment is waking up to discover bed bug bites across your skin or a cockroach in your kitchen. An infestation can quickly grow out of control and threaten the health and safety of your family and pets. Not only that, but some insects […]
December 2, 2022

5 Great Ways to Get More Use Out of a Small Space

Living in an apartment is a cost-effective housing choice, particularly for young adults. But such a small space can make it hard to fit everything inside while keeping your humble abode functional at the same time. Luckily, a little bit of organizing can go a long way toward getting more use out of a small […]
February 16, 2023

A Checklist for Renters

Searching for a new apartment isn’t always easy. Even though you’re not buying the property, you still want to ensure that you rent an enjoyable unit in good repair. While apartment hunting, take along a few items—such as a camera, tape measure and notebook—so you can thoroughly examine the property and make any necessary notes […]
May 12, 2023

4 Ways to Save on Renters Insurance

You know that renters insurance is important, but you also wonder what the odds are that you will need it. After all, the building is covered. Yes, the building is covered, but if there is a fire or another covered event, the landlord is not going to replace or repair your belongings. It’s up to […]
May 12, 2023

3 Ways to Reduce Renters Insurance Rates

Renters insurance provides you with financial protection. It is generally an inexpensive way to gain protection of your contents and to reduce liability costs if you are sued. Nevertheless, there are several steps you can take to reduce how much you spend on this insurance. If you are a renter or considering becoming one, don’t […]

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